All Seasons Horse Riding
(925) 407-7211

Our Team
The true stars of All Seasons Horse Riding are our horses and farm animals. Each one has been carefully selected for their temperament, training, and ability to work with riders of all levels.
29-year-old red dun paint Quarter Horse has been used in cutting,
parades, and lessons. Specializes in all ages but specifically works
with all different types of kids or adults with disabilities. Tank loves
teaching kids and adults safe ways to interact with him, and
the importance of being a safe place for you or your child to land.
You may find Tank hanging out next to his brother Leonard probably
nickering at you for a treat. His favorite treats are carrots and he loves
giving kisses.
Fun Fact: Tank was the first horse to start at ASHR.
A 14-year-old palomino Quarter Horse, before coming to ASHR Gus
was used on a ranch moving cattle, and checking fences. Gus
specializes in more intermediate to advanced riders and even the
occasional beginner. He loves teaching kids and adults new ways to
interact and use the fancy buttons he used out on the cattle ranch.
You may find Gus fighting with his brother Beaux and waiting for
grain. His favorite thing to do is walk, and trot over poles!
Our only girl (mare) at ASHR. A 24-year-old bay quarter horse, who
once was a head trail guide horse who was graciously given to us in
2014. Chacha specializes in all beginner riders of all ages. Chacha is the
perfect start to introduce you to the horse world. She enjoys teaching
children to be calm and gentle through their ride as she does not
require much to teach you all you need to know. You may find Chacha
in her stall nickering at you for grain or a carrot or fighting with all her
boys at the barn.
Fun Fact: Chacha was the second horse to come work at ASHR.
An 11-year-old red dun Mustang/Quarter Horse, Beaux was previously a pony express
horse. Beaux works with intermediate to advanced riders teaching them to maintain
balance and seat work and is many children or adults first canter! You may find Beaux
being his quirky self destroying various things in his stall or sticking his nose out
waiting for a treat. Beaux's Barn nickname is “Trouble Maker”
Fun Fact: Beaux measures half a hand away from being a horse!
A 25-year-old Black Morgan Horse, Nelli previously worked on a
ranch and was brought to us very green (needed training) Between
Breanna and Julie, they trained him from the ground up and he is one
of our most frequently used horses here at ASHR. Nelli teaches all ages
and levels of riders, teaching them the importance of seat,
leg, and being soft with your hands and stern in your voice cues. Nelli is
most students' first canter as well! You may find Nelli kicking his stall
door as soon as he hears someone walk through the gates. Nelli’s
favorite thing to do is roll in the dirt.
Fun Fact: ASHR trained Nelli from the ground up!
A 7-year-old gruello paint pony, Zorro is our smallest horse on the ranch,
he teaches children up to age 10 depending on tall they are. Zorro likes
teaching kids the importance of patience and learning to be around
horses safely. Zorro is a fan favorite and is one of the first horses your
child may ride and gain confidence on before moving on to a bigger
horse. You may find Zorro hanging out with his brother Woody or pawing
the ground to get out of his stall and run around the arena.
A 20-year-old Chesnut quarter horse, most known for his I heart brand
on his left shoulder. Leonard was previously a calf roper and now teaches
kids of all ages and levels how to ride. Leonard works with mainly
beginners and is one of our most patient horses here at ASHR. Leonard
teaches children the responsibility it takes to have a horse and learn
the first fundamentals of horseback riding. Leonard is one of the horses
your child's first steps of trot would most likely be on! Leonard is one of
the first horses you will see as you make your way into ASHR, and will be
waiting patiently for you to greet him with a treat or a pet. Leonard's
favorite thing to do is roll out in the arena and scratch his belly.
Fun Fact: Leonard is from a ranch called Brooks Ranch, is Payton’s very
first horse, and Lorrie’s (Payton’s show horse) brother.
A 14-year-old Buckskin Quarter Horse, Scooter was previously used as
a kid's barrel horse. Scooter teaches kids of all ages and levels how to
ride and the patience and persistence it takes to be a noble horse
person. Scooter does not take much to ride and loves to show off his
very smooth trot and canter. You may find Scooter in his stall fighting
with his brother Tank during feeding time. His favorite thing to do is
to be given treats and groundwork.
Fun Fact: Scooter is leased by a family who spoils him
A 17-year-old Chesnut paint quarter horse, Woody is an ex-rodeo
horse and trail horse. Woody is an example of a been there done
that type of horse. Woody works with people of all ages and
levels and helps riders work on confidence, clear communication,
and patience for those who are nervous or first starting. Woody
is also one of our therapeutic riding horses. You may find Woody
watching over lessons or fighting with his girlfriend Chacha.
Woody’s favorite thing to do is eat his grain and have a relaxing
Fun Fact: ASHR uses Woody in Rowell Ranch Rodeo’s Lil’ Partners
Our 7-year-old pot-belly pig who resides in the main area is
probably found taking a nap or hanging out with his ducks. He
will be one of the first ones to greet you with the call of his
name! He appreciates any scratches or pets you are willing to
Fun Fact: Napoleon only gets along with horses and ducks!
Our infamous barn cat. Rex was found on the streets living
the life of a stray and now is living his dream life. Rex will be
another one of our animals that will first greet you. He loves
scratches and pets. Rex enjoys roaming around the barn and
taking naps in various places such as the hay room, tack
room, and uses the arena as his litter box.
Our 2 ducks who reside with Napoleon most likely
quacking away or swimming in their pool or water

Call to inquire about rates!